Africa Vision 41
November 24, 2008
Be the change you want to see in the world.
-Mahatma Gandhi-
So what do I want to see in the world?
That a person treats others as he wishes to be treated himself.
That eyes are used to see not just to look.
That ears are used to hear not just to listen.
That the heart pounds with compassion for all.
That the unlovable is loved.
That there is no end to learning.
That there is no end to loving.
That all are part of One.
That to serve is to rule.
That we balance the edge.
That we listen to the Inner Child.
That we embrace every moment.
That now is the moment.
That change is now.
That obstacles are opportunities.
That opportunities are stepping stones.
That meditation every day is like an apple.
It keeps the doctor away.
Hug 6 people a day. (Add a tree)
Practice random acts of kindness.
Write daily appreciations
Be grateful.
Respect your self
Be your self
Be the change you want to see in the world.
This is so beautiful! You spoke my heart in these beautiful lines, you touched the deep notes of my heart. You made me feel in sync with all and I once again just wanted to Be! May you bring about that change in the world you truly desire and others will be always in sync with it as its such a simple and only purpose to Be. Thank you for your wisdom and your focus on always just being. Thank you for one and all!
hi beautiful soulmate
vlieg fladder en geniet
enjoy the playground and inspire!
zie je snel
Be love.
We hope you are well tonight Ashis...watching Gabriel's videos, tense but hopeful that there will be peaceful times for you soon. For US soon! Come visit when you can and until then carry our safest warm wishes.
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